Imprimantes TOSHIBA B-852R


Model B-852
Technology Thermal transfer / direct thermal
Printhead Flat type
Resolution 11.8 dots/mm (300 dpi)
Print Width Maximum 216.8 mm
Print Length Maximum 640 mm
Print Speed Up to 101.4 mm/s
Interfaces Bidirectional parallel port, USB 2.0, LAN (100BASE), serial port*, wireless LAN*
Barcodes UPC/EAN/JAN, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, EAN 128, NW7, MSI, Industrial 2 of 5, ITF, Postnet, RM4SCC, KIX-code, RSS14, Customer Bar Code
2D Codes Data Matrix, PDF 417, Maxicode, QR code, Micro PDF 417, CP Code
Fonts Bitmap font (21 fonts), Outline font (4 types), Price font (3 types)
Optional Cutter module, wireless LAN module, serial interface board, expansion I/O board, RTC (real time clock)
Dimensions 385 (W) x 181 (D) x 243 (H) mm
385 (W) x 427 (D) x 243 (H) mm with supply holder installed
Weight 15.6 kg (without media and ribbon)

                                                 Choix et Prix (indicatif) : 

ImprimanteCode articleDescriptionRésolution (dpi)Vitesse maxi
Largeur maxi
InterfacesPrix Publics
B-852-TS22-QP-R18221168683Thermique Direct et
Transfert Thermique
Tête B-852 12 dotsFMBC0089706Tête à plat 12 dots678,00
B-7208-QM-R18221165244Massicot baïonnette947,00
B-SA704-IO-QM-R10021165233Interface I/O143,00
B-SA704-RTC-QM-R10021165228Horloge temps réel252,00
B-SA704-RS-QM-R10021165222Carte interface série115,00
CAT-3-10INCHLBMLMR007Ré enrouleur externe 8", mandrin fixe 76 mm 805,00

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